I Am Recovering Too
Artist, writer, wife and mother of a daughter with anorexia , Galia Carolina Smith MSc, PhD shares her personal journey with us in I AM RECOVERING TOO.

Imagine, you are told your child has a life threatening psychiatric disease that will take years to reach recovery and will require multidisciplinary treatment. Now imagine you don’t know much, if anything, about this illness but you do not want to send her away for treatment. You feel she has a better potential for healing from home.
I invite you to join Carolina in her own journey of self discovery as she battles the monster to save her daughter’s life.
Carolina writes from notes out of her journal over the years since her daughter was diagnosed.
When words fail to communicate how ghastly this disease is, she shows us graphically how it can consume her daughter with her own art.
As a third tool for understanding where this disease and introspection has taken her, she peppers the pages with quotes from philosophers the likes of Peter Pan, Winnie the Pooh, Immanuel Kant, The Little Prince and more.
Straight talk from a mother’s heart, this is available in both English and Spanish.